Public Relations Tips From Veteran TV Journalists

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A veteran TV journalist’s tips for making the media work for you

Making public relations and learning how to represent yourself and your organization well is critical to the success of your mission. Whether you’re being interviewed on TV, appearing on a podcast, or creating a Live Facebook event for your followers, Kim Brattain Media has the helpful tips and tools of the trade you need.

There are several universal truths when it comes to working with the media.

1. You Snooze, You Lose

The news cycle is continually evolving and never rests. This means you must be ready to respond to requests for interviews, appearances, or comments within hours, not days. Hesitate and the media has moved on, guaranteeing that you’ve missed either an opportunity to publicize your mission or the chance to redirect or respond to a story.

TV Journalist’s Tips For Making The Media Work

2. Dissembling Spells Disaster

The public craves authentic and informed representation from the brands and organizations they support. Dodging questions, giving dishonest answers, and disguising your true feelings or lack of knowledge will quickly doom your media appearance and destroy the public trust you and your organization need in order to thrive.

A Veteran TV Journalist’s Tips For Making The Media

3. Use Stories, Not Statistics

The key to success with the media is preparation. Know your facts, but be prepared to share them in a meaningful way. Humans are hardwired to respond to narrative, not numbers. This means you need to have thought through the message you want to deliver and decided on a memorable anecdote that conveys that message prior to your media appearance.

Whether you are just starting to build the community around your brand, or are a seasoned executive trying to magnify your impact, Kim Brattain Media can help.

Public Relations Tips From TV Journalists
We offer one-on-one and team training that will allow you to perfect and polish your public appearances, including:

  1. 1. Coaching your on-air persona and delivery
  2. 2. Crafting your message
  3. 3. Calming your nerves
  4. 4. Capitalizing on your opportunities

Take a look at what Kim Brattain Media can do for you to make public relations, then get in touch with us today!

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